Thursday, December 10, 2009

From which of Shakespeare's plays is the following Quotation?

'...,it is a custom

More honour'd in the breach than the observance.'

The year of the play and act and scene are also worthy of points as are examples of it's references and uses in modern language.

From which of Shakespeare's plays is the following Quotation?events


This is usually thought to mean a rule which is more often broken than observed. The context of the play shows the real meaning as 'it is more honourable to breach than to observe'.


From Shakespeare's Hamlet, 1603:

HAMLET Ay, marry, is't:

But to my mind, though I am native here

And to the manner born, it is a custom

More honour'd in the breach than the observance.

From which of Shakespeare's plays is the following Quotation?home theatre opera theater


Scene four, Act I. Hamlet is believed to be written during the periods of 1599-1601
Hamlet-- 1603 ?
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

It is uncertain exactly when it was written, but scholars tend to place its composition between 1600 and the summer of 1602.

* It is a custom

More honour'd in the breach than the observance.

o Hamlet, Act 1 scene iv
Hamlet, I think it was written in about 1600, it is from scene 4, act 1.

It means that something (like a law) was broken instead of being followed, so it was disrespected.

Hope that helps mate

LOL!!!! I just googled the answer on top of has been plagiarised!!!!! I HATE THAT someone actually knows and some fool tries to look intelligent when they are clearly NOT

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